Thunder and Light
Since Soifs (1995), Marie-Claire Blais has undertaken a romanesque project with a scope unique in contemporary literature. Thunder and Light is the second volume of a monumental trilogy which, upon its completion, will constitute a veritable microcosm, the portrait of an island, of a world, our world, which resonates with the tragedies and conflicts that have marked the past century.
“Marie-Claire Blais unfolds a fresco so amazing in its dark confusion that we are left astounded. [...] Vast music and magnificent breath of an inexhaustible sentence.”
Jacques-Pierre Amette, Le Point
Ce que la presse en dit
« Marie-Claire Blais déroule une fresque si hallucinante dans son
fouillis sombre qu’on reste éberlué [...]. Vaste musique et respiration
magnifique d’une phrase inépuisable. »
Jacques-Pierre Amette, Le