In this, the second hilarious adventure of the series, the Little Pirates head to the Icy Isle, home to White-Beard and his cutthroat band of elves. Always in search of treasure, what can the Little Pirates hope to find in this kingdom of snow and ice?
Beautifully illustrated by Sampar, this series describes the adventures of the fearless crew of the frigate Marabout. There’s the captain Jean de Lourangan, adoptive son of the dreaded pirate Suzor de Louragan who lived to the ripe old age of 108. There’s Saturday, a distant cousin to Friday, Robinson Crusoe’s old pal. There’s Merlan, the somewhat distracted deckhand, who makes up for his endless mistakes by boundless effort. There are the identical triplets, Bâbord, Sabord and Tribord, the terrors of the Eighth Sea. And there is Dupont-le-Claude. Only member of the crew over the age of ten, he is almost as old as the ship itself.