Autumn 2003. Julien leads a quiet teenage life in Forestville on the North Coast, in Quebec. One evening, he is abducted by mysterious men who claim to be followers of the goddess Kali, deity of the Hindu pantheon. Confined for days in a container, Julien soon finds himself in Pondichery in the State of Tamil Nadu, in India.
Autumn 1754. A high tonnage cargo ship docks at Pondichery, trading post of the French East India Company. It is La Bou-chardière on which Mr René de Saint-Pourçain and his son, the dwarf Calli-maque, aged 10, are travelling. As a result of Callimaque’s fate, we slowly begin to understand the unbelievable adventure in which Julien finds himself. Helped by Tahseen, a boy of his own age who the worshippers have converted into a killer, Julien must find out why the worshippers of Kali link his birth to that of the French dwarf.
A fast-paced story, a gripping novel. Finally, a non-linear narrative. And a gateway to a culture that is relatively unknown to young people.
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