Foreign Rights

Essais et Documents

Version française

Les nations savent-elles encore rêver?

Les mythes nationaux à l'ère de la mondialisation

If nations and the myths they perpetuate loosen – or even lose – their grip on citizens’ lives, what will replace them? Are nations still capable of creating meaning and inspiring citizens’ imaginations? A meticulous and well-informed observer of collective imaginations, on which he has written several books, Gérard Bouchard analyzes the psychological foundations and formal configurations of national myths as variants of social myths. He also looks at several case studies to test his theory. At the end of this ambitious work, readers will understand that in the age of globalization, the future of national myths is intimately linked to the future of democracy.

Parution : 8 octobre 2019, 440 pages
ISBN-13 : 9782764626030
Code barre : 9782764626030

32.95 $   /   24.00€

Les Éditions du Boréal
3970, rue Saint-Ambroise, Montréal (Québec), Canada H4C 2C7
Tél: (514) 287-7401 Téléc: (514) 287-7664

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Conseil des Arts du Canada Patrimoine canadien SODEC Québec